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The digital transformation of deskless workers

Written by Chloé | 6 Jan 22

The Internet has profoundly revolutionised the way we communicate, cooperate and work in companies by connecting all of an entity’s workers. But many face a significant challenge in implementing their digital transformation: managing to connect all of their deskless employees. The category of workers out in the field is often left out, owing to their lack of an email address or a fixed office. At a time when the digital workplace has become key in increasing productivity, companies have no choice but to bring all their employees on board thanks to digital technology. Check out how to better connect your deskless profiles and move the company’s organisation forward.


What is a deskless worker?

The term deskless worker refers to employees without a physical office and email address, because their job does not require them. In some key economic sectors such as education, industry, trade, agriculture and health, a high rate of deskless employees is common. The workers in these sectors do not have access to communication and information tools, despite their critical role in the organisation. Since a simple email address often acts as an admission pass to the everyday tools – needed for the circulation of information and internal cohesion – they find themselves disconnected from the group dynamic.


What are the benefits of connecting deskless workers?

Connecting deskless workers is a response to real collaborative issues. Despite the amount of the workforce they represent in companies, they are often cut off from the day-to-day life of the entity. This disconnection results in multiple operational problems such as:

  • Circulation and awareness of information is limited and reporting back from the field to offices and managers is hindered;
  • Sharing knowledge and feedback between colleagues is not encouraged and therefore almost non-existent;
  • The impact is real and damaging to motivation and a sense of belonging, causing an impression of being left to one side and of frustration;
  • Productivity is affected by lack of access to tools that facilitate the transmission of information, note-taking, etc.

Thus, connecting all of a company’s deskless workers thanks to technological tools would provide concrete solutions to these issues resulting in better communication and sharing and improving everyone’s working conditions. Connecting deskless workers is the first key step in the digitalisation of companies in order to:

  • Create closer proximity for better management: the flow of information in all directions strengthens cohesion, increases the sense of belonging, gives additional value to each person’s initiatives and is effective in combating staff turnover;
  • Providing an equal amount of information to all: ensuring the circulation of the company’s latest news helps consolidate the community spirit;
  • Encouraging exchanges to better cooperate and innovate: deskless workers can help each other and participate and follow projects with all of the teams. They are encouraged to express themselves, contribute their ideas and provide feedback;
  • Boosting connected mobility: deskless workers can access their digital working environment, internal documents and tools from any device, anywhere and at any time.

It is by connecting all the different occupations within the organisation that companies develop the capacity to successfully manage their digital transformation.


How to successfully manage your digital transformation by including deskless workers

Including deskless employees should be the number one priority of any company wishing to successfully implement its digital transformation. But it cannot be done without some investment to expand internal communication and ensure that all the employees are included in the digital workplace, in an era when access to information is paramount. Collaboration and interactivity are real challenges for the competitiveness and development of a company and even an indispensable condition for its long-term existence. This observation suggests that the installation of communication screens is an effective and cost-effective development opportunity, to bring together and integrate all of an entity’s employees.


The screen fleet enables employees in the office and in the field to be connected, for maximum impact: deskless workers can access information and internal communication tools and are invited to collaborate by reporting back critical data. The strong interactivity of these screens increases commitment and encourages the attention needed for increased collaboration. The drawbacks of deskless workers’ mobility can be mitigated through the use of mobile applications so they are permanently connected to the company’s digital workplace and the internal communication campaigns.


These user-friendly, portable and innovative communication channels make it easier for users to collaborate and get closer to their teams. Cenareo and its management system dedicated to corporate digital signage and its Cenareo App, are instinctively deployed in the organisation and provide instant, automatic and centralised access to the digital workplace. A real means of interconnecting all the tools and members of the organisation, they increase and encourage interaction by capturing the attention of the teams. The multi-channel Cenareo solution gives you the ability to manage your screen fleet and relay information to your employees’ digital workplace, in order to bring them all on board and include them in the process of digitalising the company.

Get all your employees on board with customised communication thanks to digital signage and the Cenareo App. Share and deliver engaging, relevant content to your screen fleet or to mobiles in real-time to help grow your business.