Published on: 2 Nov 21  |  Reading : 3 minutes

Can a company’s internal communication be automated?

HR departments of multi-site companies want to automate their internal communication and make it more relevant. Learn how to do so thanks to screens.

The challenges of “multisite” internal communication

In-company communication is a major challenge because it engages and motivates employees, by bringing them together around a shared project. This objective is all the more important for large companies, spread across several sites (or even sometimes in different countries). Despite the physical distance, proximity with the employees needs to be marked to ensure they adhere to the corporate culture and projects.


HR departments are therefore seeking solutions to share with all their employees internal information relating to the company’s performance, safety in the workplace or the company’s life. Naturally they focus on solutions that promote digitised, automated internal communication that can be effectively deployed across the various sites where their employees work.


Screens to automate the delivery of internal communication streams


Digital screens thus appear to be real internal communication relays. Their number one strength: the ability to automate the transmission of communication streams from different data sources (Data Management Platform, Customer Relationship Management, Social Networks, etc.).

Collecting information will not be time consuming and will not require a multiplication of resources. Thanks to the APIs, internal information and the digital signage network will be automatically connected to save time and allow internal information to be broadcast continuously.

Updated in real time, the screens can even deliver fast-changing data that needs to be updated at every moment. A retailer will be able to know what the situation is regarding its inventory or in-store traffic. Similarly, a factory will always be able to know what production stage a product has reached. A call centre will be able to know, without waiting, the progress it has made in meeting its objectives, etc.

Another benefit of digital signage for in-company communication is its attractiveness. Digital signage allows more impactful messages to be delivered because screens capture people’s attention and arouse their curiosity. Strategically placed, digital screens enable better assimilation (and memorisation) of messages transmitted by the company.


The different feeds to communicate internally on your screens

Thanks to screens, HR departments finally have an impactful, automated, and easily deployable digital internal communication solution to reach all of a company’s employees at the same time, regardless of their location.

It remains to be seen how best to capitalise on this digital signage solution for optimised in-house communication. The streams to be shared can thus be varied according to the companies’ business sectors and their objectives:

• Key performance indicators: In-company digital signage enables the teams’ efforts to be viewed in real time. In-store traffic, sales performance, operational efficiency… all these KPIs can be relayed in-house through screens. A great way to boost internal productivity and motivation.

Occupational Health and Safety: Digital screens are perfect for raising awareness and protecting a company’s employees. Thus, they are still being used extensively to remind staff of the use of protective measures in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In break rooms or operational areas, they will be able to effectively inform employees of best safety practices (e.g. in the form of videos). It may also be judicious to communicate internally on accident-free days via screens.

• Internal events and corporate messages: Astutely positioned, screens will be useful to encourage employees to participate in an intranet questionnaire or to remind employees of meetings where they can speak or training courses. In-company digital signage can also be used as local communication from management which can, for example, highlight good employee performance, encourage or inspire them through inspiring quotes aligned with the company’s values.

• Human resources and company life: Digital signage can also be used to increase retention of employees or help their integration. Screens c

an be used to present a newcomer to most of the staff or to remind people of birthdays. Best practices to promote human capital and to highlight a company’s labour force in its corporate communication.

• Contextualised information: Screens also encourage personalised and targeted internal communication through information that will provide maximum added value to the employees. Screens can thus be used to indicate the schedules of a meeting room or the progress of different projects. The use of feeds from external sources will also allow teams to be informed of the weather, local news or other information more directly relevant, according to their location.

More about the solution

Screens can be used both to automate and to customise in-company communications delivered in real time. Learn how Cenareo helps companies communicate more closely with their employees using digital signage in a multi-site or international context.

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