Digital signage at the service of performance

All the news about digital signage with articles from our experts. Displays are essential communication channels communication channels that each sector of activity must optimize to better reach and engage its audience.

In retail, screens in windows and stores are powerful vectors of brand image, traffic and sales.

In companies, internal communication screens are inclusive tools to spread a strong corporate culture and engage all employees.

Discover also our guides to prepare or optimize your communication project on screens as well as all our resources (white papers, webinars…) and customer testimonials to get inspired by concrete and successful projects.

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Latest articles

Published on: 1 Sep 18  |  Reading : 1 minute

POS displays: Publicity on the Point of Sale

Publicity on the POS allows the producers and distributors to increase the sales of their product thanks to in-store communication events (posters,...
Published on: 1 Sep 18  |  Reading : 1 minute

Digital signage in SaaS mode

Cenareo lets you discover in these pages what a SaaS solution can bring to your digital signage.
Published on: 1 Sep 18  |  Reading : 1 minute

Digital signage

What is digital signage, how does it work, and what’s its use? There are so many questions you have to ask yourself before using the digital signage...
Published on: 1 Sep 18  |  Reading : 2 minutes

In-store digital world

The digital world is at the heart of the shop today. What are the advantages of including it in yours? Why can’t you miss out on this? Discover the...

Most read articles

Published on: 7 Dec 20  |  Reading : 3 minutes

Make money from your digital signage network

Your digital signage network can be turned into an advertising network with your suppliers and generate income thanks to a win-win system.
Published on: 5 Feb 20  |  Reading : 3 minutes

Weather reactive digital signage in winter

Two examples of brands who have run successful weather-reactive digital signage campaigns during winter, and discuss how you can plan your own...